[Certified,] [Field grown] wildflower sod, machine cut at a uniform
thickness of [25] [_____] mm ([one] [_____] inch) [one] [_____] inch within
a tolerance of 6 mm (1/4 inch) 1/4 inch, excluding top growth. Top growth
shall be a maximum height of [75] [_____] mm ([3] [_____] inches) [3]
[_____] inches. Each individual wildflower sod piece shall be strong
enough to support its own weight when lifted by the ends. Broken pads,
irregular shaped pieces, and torn or uneven ends will be rejected. [Wood
pegs and wire staples for anchorage on slope conditions, three to one or
greater, shall be used as recommended by wildflower sod supplier.]
Botanical Name
Common Name
NOTE: If topsoil properties are included in another
section of Division 2, delete this paragraph and
include a cross-reference to the appropriate
section. Otherwise, select appropriate paragraphs
on topsoil. Check with the local Agriculture County
Extension Service Office for soil properties
appropriate for the plant materials to be planted.
Where suitable topsoil is available within limits of
the work area, stripping and stockpiling of topsoil
should be included in the applicable section of
Division 2 of the specification. If suitable
topsoil is not available within the limits of the
work area, it should generally be the Contractor's
option to either treat the soil of the graded areas
with fertilizer and supplements so as to be
conducive to turf establishment and maintenance, or
to transport topsoil to the project site. Modify pH
range for specified turf and geographical
On-Site Topsoil
Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to
meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled
"Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil
stripped and stockpiled on-site in accordance with Section [02300
Off-Site Topsoil
Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition."
Additional topsoil shall be [furnished by the Contractor] [obtained from
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