surfaces with a coat conforming to SSPC Paint 25 to prevent galvanic or
corrosive action. Where aluminum is in contact with concrete, mortar,
masonry, wood, or absorptive materials subject to wetting, protect with
ASTM D 1187, asphalt-base emulsion.
Repair of Zinc-Coated Surfaces
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when no galvanized
items are specified.
Repair damaged surfaces with galvanizing repair method and paint conforming
to ASTM A 780 or by the application of stick or thick paste material
specifically designed for repair of galvanizing, as approved by the
Contracting Officer. Clean areas to be repaired and remove the slag from
the welds. Heat surfaces to which stick or paste material is applied, with
a torch to a temperature sufficient to melt the metallics in stick or
paste; spread the molten material uniformly over surfaces to be coated and
wipe the excess material off.
The site furnishings shall be installed outside the play structure use zone
in accordance with ASTM F 1487. The contractor shall verify and mark the
locations of the use zone. These zones are to be free from obstacles and
hard surfaces. When child accessibility requirements are to be met, child
anthropometric dimensions must be used and not adult anthropometric
Install in pipe sleeves embedded in concrete and filled with non-shrink
grout or quick setting anchoring cement.
Affix to base structure by flanges anchored to concrete or other existing
masonry by expansion shields. Provide Series 300 stainless steel bolts to
anchor aluminum alloy flanges, of a size appropriate to the standard
product of the manufacturer. Where aluminum or alloy fittings or
extrusions are to be in contact with dissimilar metals or concrete, give
the contact surface a heavy coating of bituminous paint.
Secure to the adjacent construction with the clip angles attached to the
concrete. Secure to concrete with not less than two 12 mm 1/2 inch
diameter expansion bolts.
Factory install windows into separate structural frame. Miter corners and
connect internally by extruded aluminum corner keys or screw bosses with
tamper-proof stainless steel screws. Provide continuous gasketing around
windows set to metal frames. Provide 13 to 19 mm 1/2 to 3/4 inch deep
pocket for polycarbonate glazing. Fully gasket and frame in independent
interchangable factory assembled units. Affix to shelter frame with 5 mm
3/16 inch shallow head aluminum rivets at approximately 331 mm 13 1/4 inches
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