maximum density is hereafter abbreviated as the "Standard Proctor" value.
Moisture Control
NOTE: Moisture content limits for compaction should
be included in these paragraphs when necessary for
obtaining strength and stability in embankments and
fill, for controlling movement of expansive soils
and when, in the opinion of the project geotechnical
engineer, moisture control is required for the soils
being used. Specify an acceptable variation from
the optimum moisture if justified from experience
with similar soils or where demonstrated from
during planning. Block alignment is sometimes
difficult to maintain if cohesive soils are placed
wet of optimum in the reinforced fill zone.
Control of moisture in the fill shall be maintained to provide acceptable
compaction. Disking and plowing will not be allowed in the reinforced fill
zone. Moisture content of cohesive soils shall be adjusted at the borrow
source before placement. Adding water directly to the reinforced fill zone
shall only be conducted under conditions where the soil has sufficient
porosity and capillarity to provide uniform moisture throughout the fill
during compaction.
Reinforced and retained fill shall be compacted to 95 percent of the
Standard Proctor Density. Care shall be exercised in the compaction
process to avoid misalignment of the facing blocks. Heavy compaction
equipment (including vibratory drum rollers) shall not be used within 900
mm 3 feet from the wall face.
All testing expenses shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Prior to
sampling and testing the work, testing laboratories shall be inspected and
approved in accordance with Section 01451A CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL. The
Contracting Officer reserves the right to direct the location and select
the material for samples to be tested and to direct where and when
moisture-density tests shall be performed. Nuclear density testing
equipment shall be used in general accordance with ASTM D 2922.
The Contracting Officer shall be informed of test results daily for
direction on corrective action required. Draft copies of field testing
results shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer on a frequent and
regular basis, as directed.
Corrective Action.
Tests of materials which do not meet the contract requirements (failing
test) will not be counted as part of the required testing. Each such
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