the contract price will be considered in accordance with the contract.
Additional work not authorized by the Contracting Officer shall be at the
Contractor's expense.
Foundation soil shall be excavated as required for leveling pad dimensions
and reinforcement placement shown on the construction drawings. Material
for backfilling shall be stockpiled in a neat and orderly manner at a
sufficient distance from the banks of the excavation to avoid overloading
and to prevent slides or caving. Excavation and fill shall be performed in
a manner and sequence that will provide proper drainage at all times. The
Contractor is responsible for disposal of surplus material, waste material,
and material that does not meet specifications, including any soil which is
disturbed by the Contractor's operations or softened due to exposure to the
elements and water.
Stockpiles of all material to be incorporated into the work shall be kept
in a neat and well drained condition, giving due consideration to drainage
at all times. The ground surface at stockpile locations shall be cleared,
grubbed, and sealed. Topsoil shall be stockpiled separately from suitable
backfill material. Stockpiles of aggregates and granular soils shall be
protected from contamination which may destroy the quality and fitness of
the stockpiled material. If the Contractor fails to protect the
stockpiles, and any material becomes frozen, saturated, intermixed with
other materials, or otherwise out of specification or unsatisfactory for
the use intended, such material shall be removed and replaced with new
material from approved sources at no additional cost to the Government.
NOTE: Notification of the Contracting Officer - It
is beyond the scope of a specification to provide
remedies to all possible problems. If the
specification indicates the Contracting Officer
shall be notified, it is assumed qualified
assistance will be utilized to assess the situation
when necessary.
The subgrade below the leveling pad shall be compacted with at least 3
passes with a vibratory plate compactor with an operating weight not less
than 200 kg 450 pounds. The aggregate base material shall be placed in
lifts not exceeding 150 mm 6 inches and compacted with at least 3 passes
with a vibratory plate compactor. If the subgrade or aggregate base pumps,
bleeds water, or cracks during compaction, the Contracting Officer shall be
notified and, if no other changes are directed, the aggregate shall be
replaced with a concrete leveling pad.
Concrete Leveling Pad
Tolerances in screeding shall be sufficient to place the blocks directly on
the leveling pad without mortar, pointing, or leveling course between the
blocks and leveling pad.
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