than 1.52 m 5 feet. The gross weight shall be adjustable within 3, 572 to
6, 250 kg per m 200 to 350 psi of compacting width.
Power Brooms and Power Blowers
Power brooms and power blowers shall be suitable for cleaning surfaces to
[be treated] [which the seal coat is to be applied].
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when lump sum bidding
is used.
The scales shall be of sufficient size and capacity to accommodate all
trucks used in hauling aggregates. All scales shall be tested and approved
by an inspector of the state inspection bureau charged with scales
inspection within the state in which the project is located. If an
official of the inspection bureau is not available, the scales shall be
tested in accordance with the state specifications by the Contractor in the
presence of the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall have the
necessary number of standard weights on hand at all times for testing the
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when lump sum bidding
is used.
The weighhouse shall be weatherproof and shall be constructed in a manner
that will afford adequate protection for the recording devices on the
scales. The weighhouse shall be of a suitable size with one sliding window
facing the scales platform, one end window, and a desk-type area at least
600 mm 2 feet wide by 1.8 m 6 feet long.
Storage Tanks
Tanks shall be capable of heating the bituminous material, under effective
and positive control at all times, to the required temperature. Heating
shall be accomplished by steam coils, hot oil, or electricity. An armored
thermometer with a range from 37.8 to 148.9 degrees C 100 to 300 degrees F
shall be affixed to the tank so that the temperature of the bituminous
material may be read at all times.
Power Rollers
Provide self-propelled tandem and three-wheel type rollers, weighing not
less than 4.54 metric tons 5 tons and suitable for rolling bituminous
pavements. The wheels of the rollers shall be equipped with adjustable
scrapers. The rollers shall be equipped with water tanks and sprinkling
apparatus for keeping the wheels wet in order to prevent adherence of the
bituminous material to the wheels.
Single-Pass, Surface-Treatment Machines
The machines shall be capable of spraying bituminous material and spreading
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