to be removed beyond this last saw cut shall be removed in accordance with
the approved demolition work plan. All pavement between this last saw cut
and the joint line shall be removed by carefully pulling pieces and blocks
away from the joint face with suitable equipment and then picking them up
for removal. In lieu of this method, this strip of concrete may be
carefully broken up and removed using hand-held jackhammers, 14 kg 30 lb or
less, or other approved light-duty equipment which will not cause stress to
propagate across the joint saw cut and cause distress in the pavement which
is to remain in place. In lieu of the above specified removal method, the
slab may be sawcut full depth to divide it into several pieces and each
piece lifted out and removed. Suitable equipment shall be used to provide
a truly vertical lift, and safe lifting devices used for attachment to the
slab. [The Contractor shall then install new dowels, of the size and
spacing used for other similar joints, by epoxy resin bonding them in holes
drilled in the joint face as specified in paragraph: Placing Dowels and
Tie-bars. All this shall be at no additional cost to the Government.]
[Dowels of the size and spacing indicated shall be installed as shown on
the drawings by epoxy resin bonding them in holes drilled in the joint face
as specified in paragraph: Placing Dowels and Tie Bars.]
Edge Repair
The edge of existing concrete pavement against which new pavement abuts
shall be protected from damage at all times. Areas which are damaged
during construction shall be removed and replaced as directed by the
Contracting Officer at no cost to the Government. Repair of previously
existing damage areas will be considered a subsidiary part of concrete
pavement construction.
Spall Repair
Not more than 15.0 percent of each slab's edge shall be spalled as a result
of the Contractor's actions. Slabs with spalls exceeding this quantity,
regardless of spall size, shall be sawn full depth to remove the spalled
face. Spalls along joints and along cracks shall be repaired where
indicated and where directed. Repair materials and procedures shall be as
previously specified in paragraph: Repairing Spalls Along Joints.
Underbreak and Underlying Material
All underbreak shall be repaired by removal and repair of the damaged slabs
in accordance with paragraph: Removal and Replacement of Full Slabs. The
underlying material adjacent to the edge of and under the existing pavement
which is to remain in place shall be protected from damage or disturbance
during removal operations and until placement of new concrete, and shall be
shaped as shown on the drawings or as directed. Sufficient underling
material shall be kept in place outside the joint line to completely
prevent disturbance of material under the pavement which is to remain in
place. Any material under the portion of the concrete pavement to remain
in place which is disturbed or loses its compaction shall be carefully
removed and replaced with concrete.
The Contractor shall protect the pavement against all damage prior to final
acceptance of the work by the Government. Aggregates, rubble, or other
Traffic shall be excluded from the new pavement by erecting and maintaining
barricades and signs until the concrete is at least 14 days old, or for a
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