After the end of the curing period, longitudinal construction joints shall
be sawed to provide a groove at the top for sealant conforming to the
details and dimensions indicated.
Transverse Construction Joints
Transverse construction joints shall be installed at the end of each day's
placing operations and at any other points within a paving lane when
concrete placement is interrupted for 30 minutes or longer. The transverse
construction joint shall be installed at a planned transverse joint.
Transverse construction joints shall be constructed by utilizing headers or
by paving through the joint, then full-depth sawcutting the excess
concrete. Pavement shall be constructed with the paver as close to the
header as possible, and the paver shall be run out completely past the
header. Transverse construction joints installed at a planned transverse
joint shall be constructed as shown or, if not shown otherwise, shall be
dowelled. Dowels shall be inserted through the header into the fresh
concrete and consolidated with hand-held vibrators.
Expansion Joints
Expansion joints shall be formed where indicated, and about any structures
and features that project through or into the pavement, using joint filler
of the type, thickness, and width indicated, and shall be installed to form
a complete, uniform separation between the structure and the pavement. The
filler shall be attached to the original concrete placement with adhesive
or other fasteners and shall extend the full slab depth. Adjacent sections
of filler shall be fitted tightly together, and the filler shall extend
across the full width of the paving lane or other complete distance in
order to prevent entrance of concrete into the expansion space. Edges of
the concrete at the joint face shall be finished with an edger with a
radius of 3 mm 1/8 inch. The joint filler strips shall be installed 20 mm
3/4 inch below the pavement surface with a slightly tapered,
dressed-and-oiled wood strip or other approved material temporarily secured
to the top of the filler to form a recess to be filled with joint sealant.
Expansion joints shall be constructed with [dowels] [thickened edges] for
Slip Joints
Slip joints shall be installed where indicated using the specified
materials. Preformed joint filler material shall be attached to the face
of the original concrete placement with adhesive or other fasteners. A 20
mm 3/4 inch deep reservoir for joint sealant shall be constructed at the
top of the joint. Edges of the joint face shall be finished with an edger
with a radius of 3 mm 1/8 inch.
Contraction Joints
Transverse and longitudinal contraction joints shall be constructed by
sawing an initial groove in the concrete with a 3 mm 1/8 inch blade to the
indicated depth. During sawing of joints, and again 24 hours later, the
CQC team shall inspect all exposed lane edges for development of cracks
below the saw cut, and shall immediately report results to the Contracting
Officer. If the Contracting Officer determines that there are more
uncracked joints than desired, the Contractor will be directed to saw
succeeding joints 25 percent deeper than originally indicated at no
additional cost to the Government. The time of initial sawing shall vary
depending on existing and anticipated weather conditions and shall be such
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