The Contractor shall furnish and maintain at the job site, in good
condition, one 4 m 12 foot straightedge for each paving train for testing
the hardened portland cement concrete surfaces. These straightedges shall
be constructed of aluminum or magnesium alloy and shall have blades of box
or box-girder cross section with flat bottom, adequately reinforced to
insure rigidity and accuracy. Straightedges shall have handles for
operation on the pavement.
NOTE: Delete any reference to any products which
are not to be used on the project. Coordinate all
product requirements with the appropriate federal
Government Pavements or Materials Engineer.
NOTE: Edit these paragraphs as appropriate for the
particular project. Guidance for use of
cementitious materials should be sought from the
Pavment Materials engineer or from the TSMCX, Navy
EFD, NFESC, or AFCESA, especially for areas subject
to alkali-aggregate reactivity, or sulfate attack.
When sulfate bearing soil or water is encountered,
specify Type II cement for moderate sulfate
concentration and Type V cement for high
concentration and consider requiring use of fly ash
or GGBF slag for partial replacement. Do not
specify Type I or III cement. See TM 5-822-7 for
guidance. Specify limit on false set if it is a
problem in the area.
Type III cement should not be specified unless
accelerated paving is involved and then only after
laboratory mixture proportioning studies and tests
during the design stage of the project.
Cementitious materials shall be portland cement, [blended cement] or only
portland cement in combination with natural pozzolan or fly ash [or ground
granulated blast furnace slag] and shall conform to appropriate
specifications listed below.
Portland Cement
Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150, Type [I] [II] [V], low alkali
[except that the maximum amount of C3A in Type I cement shall be 15
percent] [including false set requirements] [Type III with C3A limited to 8
percent]. [Type III cement shall be used only in concrete in the following
locations [_____].] Low alkali cement is not required only if it is not
readily available and if the proposed aggregates are found to be
non-Alkali-Silica reactive, when tested in accordance with paragraph:
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