not specify artificial turf drag for Air Force
airfield projects. Do not specify deep texturing
equipment for airfield projects.
Texturing equipment shall be as specified below. Before use, the texturing
equipment shall be demonstrated on a test section, and the equipment shall
be modified as necessary to produce the texture directed.
Burlap Drag
A burlap drag shall consist of a piece of material as long as the lane
width securely attached to a separate wheel mounted frame spanning the
paving lane or to one of the other similar pieces of equipment. Width of
the material shall provide 600 to 900 mm 24 to 36 inches dragging flat on
the pavement surface. Length shall be at least equal to the width of the
slab. The material shall be clean, reasonably new burlap, completely
saturated with water before attachment to the frame, always resaturated
before start of use, and kept clean and saturated during use. Burlap shall
conform to AASHTO M 182, Class 3 or 4.
Artificial Turf
The artificial turf drag shall be full-width and the leading transverse edge
shall be securely fastened to a lightweight pole on a traveling bridge. A
variety of different types of artificial turf are available and approval of
any one type will be done only after it has been demonstrated by the
Contractor to provide a satisfactory texture. One type that has provided
satisfactory texture consists of 7,200 approximately 0.85-inches-long
polyethylene turf blades per square foot.
Deep Texturing Equipment
Texturing equipment shall consist of [a stiff bristled broom] [a comb with
spring wire tines] [spring strips which will produce true, even grooves]
forming a drag at least 1.2 m 4 feet long. This drag shall be mounted in a
wheeled frame spanning the paving lane and so constructed that the drag is
mechanically pulled in a straight line across the paving lane perpendicular
to the centerline.
Sawing Equipment
NOTE: Retain bracketed sentence as necessary to
correlate with paragraph Removal of Existing
Pavement Slab. Otherwise delete.
Equipment for sawing joints and for other similar sawing of concrete shall
be standard diamond-type concrete saws mounted on a wheeled chassis which
can be easily guided to follow the required alignment. Blades shall be
diamond tipped. If demonstrated to operate properly, abrasive blades may
be used. Provide spares as required to maintain the required sawing rate.
[Wheel saws used in the removal of concrete shall be saws with large
diameter tungsten carbide tipped blades mounted on a heavy-duty chassis
which will produce a saw kerf at least 40 mm 1-1/2 inch wide.] All saws
shall be capable of sawing to the full depth required. Early-entry saws
may be used, subject to demonstration and approval of the Contracting
Officer. No change to the initial sawcut depth shall be permitted.
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