equipment and procedures are found to be unable to produce acceptable
the job and the construction completed using stationary side forms and
equipment compatible with them. Production paving may be started
immediately after the results on aggregates and concrete, including
evaluation of the cores, and all pavement measurements for edge slump,
joint face deformation, actual plan grade, surface smoothness and thickness
have been submitted and approved.
NOTE: Delete bracketed items if not appropriate.
Bulk Cementitious Materials
All cementitious material shall be furnished in bulk. The temperature of
the cementitious material, as delivered to storage at the site, shall not
exceed 65 degrees C 150 degrees F. Sufficient cementitious materials shall
be in storage to sustain continuous operation of the concrete mixing plant
while the pavement is being placed. Separate facilities shall be provided
which will prevent any intermixing during unloading, transporting, storing,
and handling of each type of cementitious material.
Aggregate Materials
Aggregate shall be stored at the site of the batching and mixing plant
avoiding breakage, segregation, intermixing or contamination by foreign
materials. Each size of aggregate from each source shall be stored
separately in free-draining stockpiles. Aggregate stored on ground shall
have a minimum 0.6 m 24 inch thick sacrificial layer left undisturbed.
Fine aggregate and the smallest size coarse aggregate shall remain in
free-draining storage for at least 24 hours immediately prior to use.
Sufficient aggregate shall be maintained at the site at all times to permit
continuous uninterrupted operation of the mixing plant at the time concrete
pavement is being placed. Tracked equipment shall not be allowed on coarse
aggregate stockpiles.
Other Materials
Reinforcing bars and accessories shall be stored above the ground on
supports. All materials shall be stored avoiding contamination and
All plant, equipment, tools, and machines used in the work shall be
maintained in satisfactory working conditions at all times.
Batching and Mixing Plant
Location of Batching and Mixing Plant
NOTE: The batching and mixing plant should be on
the construction site or as close as possible, but
should be no farther than 15 minutes haul time from
the placing site during all periods of the work day.
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