Aggregates shall be sampled by the Contractor in the presence of a
Government representative. Samples shall be obtained in accordance with
ASTM D 75 and shall be representative of the materials to be used for the
project. Test results shall be submitted 7 days before commencing mixture
proportioning studies.
Chemical Admixtures, Curing Compounds and Epoxies
At least 30 days before the material is used, the Contractor shall submit
certified copies of test results for the specific lots or batches to be
used on the project. Chemical admixtures that have been in storage at the
project site for longer than 6 months or that have been subjected to
freezing will be retested at the expense of the Contractor and shall be
rejected if test results are not satisfactory.
Cementitious Materials
Cement[, ground granulated blast furnace (GGBF) slag,] [and pozzolan] will
be accepted on the basis of manufacturer's certification of compliance,
accompanied by mill test reports showing that the material in each shipment
meets the requirements of the specification under which it is furnished.
No cementitious material shall be used until notice of acceptance has been
given by the Contracting Officer. Cementitious material may be subjected
to check testing by the Government from samples obtained at the mill, at
transfer points, or at the project site. If tests prove that a
cementitious material that has been delivered is unsatisfactory, it shall
be promptly removed from the site of the work. Cementitious material that
has not been used within 6 months after testing shall be retested at the
Contractor's expense and shall be rejected if test results are not
During construction, the Contractor shall be responsible for sampling and
testing aggregates, cementitious materials, and concrete as specified
herein. The Government will sample and test concrete and ingredient
materials as considered appropriate. The Contractor shall provide
facilities and labor as may be necessary for procurement of representative
test samples. Testing by the Government will in no way relieve the
Contractor of the specified testing requirements.
NOTE: Where they are available, specify only ACI
certified personnel. Check the American Concrete
Institute (ACI) website for local availability
Contractor Quality Control Staff
All Contractor Quality Control personnel assigned to concrete construction
shall be American Concrete Institute (ACI) certified in the following grade
(or shall have written evidence acceptable to the Contracting Officer's
representative of having completed similar qualification programs):
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