Detail drawings, as specified, [_____] days after notice to
SD-03 Product Data
Piping and Fittings
Sump Pumps and Drainers
Expansion Joints
Manufacturer's descriptive data and technical literature,
SD-04 Samples
Insulated Sections[; G][; G, [_____]].
Display of insulated sections, as specified, [_____] days after
notice to proceed.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Valve Manholes and Accessories
Data Package 2
Data Package 2 in accordance with Section 01781 OPERATION AND
[Six] [_____] copies of operation and [six] [_____] copies of
maintenance manuals shall be provided for the equipment furnished.
Operation manuals shall detail the step-by-step procedures
required for equipment startup, operation, and shutdown.
Operation manuals shall include the manufacturer's name, model
number, parts list, and brief description of all equipment and
routine maintenance procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs,
piping and equipment layout and simplified wiring and control
diagrams indicating location of electrical components with
terminals designated for wiring, as installed.
This specification covers valve manholes and the valves and equipment shown
in the manholes on the drawings.
Detail Drawings
The Contractor shall submit detail drawings for valve manholes and the
piping and equipment in the valve manholes, such as steam traps, valves,
complete list of equipment and materials, including manufacturer's
descriptive and technical literature, performance charts and curves,
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