The exact location of each well, [with respect to the toe of the
embankment] [or] [with respect to distance from structure centerline], will
be determined in the field by the Contracting Officer. The total number of
wells and spacings may be modified by the Contracting Officer as the work
Depth of Well
NOTES: The first optional paragraph, Alternate, 1
is recommended for use whenever the design of the
system permits.
The second optional paragraph, Alternate, 2 should
be used only when fully penetrating wells are
necessary, and when it is impracticable to
predetermine the depth of individual wells. The
need for field cutting of screen or riser pipe
should be avoided. The depth of the well can
ordinarily be varied in the field to permit the use
of predetermined length of screen and riser pipe
without field cutting.
[The length of well screen, length of riser pipe and the well discharge
elevation shall conform to the [schedule shown] [elevations established in
the field by the Contracting Officer].]
[The depth of wells as indicated on the drawings is approximate.
Penetration of [bedrock] [impervious layer] might be required. The maximum
well depth will not exceed [_____] meters feet. Whenever the depth to
[bedrock] [impervious layer] is less than the maximum well depth, the
bottom elevation of each well shall be as determined by the Contracting
Officer after drilling of a pilot boring or the well boring.]
Obstructions Encountered
If obstructions are encountered in the foundation which, in the opinion of
the Contracting Officer, render it impracticable to complete the well to
the directed depth, the Contracting Officer may adjust the depth.
Alternatively, the Contracting Officer may direct the Contractor to abandon
the well, plug the hole by backfilling with approved material by an
approved procedure, and construct another well at an adjacent site.
Well Design
NOTE: This paragraph should be deleted when well
design data have been determined in advance of the
contract. Economical well construction cannot be
secured unless the design of the wells is
established in advance of the bidding period.
From data obtained from exploratory drilling, the Contracting Officer will
determine the diameter of the well screen, size of openings, the lengths
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