treatment is not required.
The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer not less than 2 weeks
prior to the start of preservative treatment, stating the place where
treatment will be done. Arrangements for access and facilities in this
regard shall be made by the Contractor. In lieu of the inspection
specified above, the Contracting Officer may elect to accept manufacturer's
certificates stating that marine piling conforms to the requirements of
Each pile shall be fitted on the tip with a metal shoe, where required as
indicated on the drawings. Piles shall be inspected in the leads, and
where the protective shell or treated wood is impaired, between cutoff and
a point which will be not less than 3 meters 10 feet below the ground; the
piles shall be repaired in accordance with AWPA M4, unless the pile is
damaged to such extent that it is rejected. Pile shall be laterally
supported during driving, but shall not be unduly restrained from rotation
in the leads. Where pile orientation is essential, the orientation shall
be maintained during driving. Battered piles shall be supported to prevent
excess bending stresses in the pile. When necessary, collars shall be
placed around the pile head to prevent brooming. Cant hooks shall not be
used in handling treated piles. Cutting of piles shall be with pneumatic
tools, sawing, or other means approved by the Contracting Officer. Holes
for bolts shall be sized to ensure a driving fit. Where indicated, holes
shall be counterbored for the bolt heads and washers.
Pile Driving
NOTE: The last sentence concerning tip elevation
and driving resistance, should be edited to conform
to subsurface conditions and type of pile (friction
or end-bearing).
Excavation shall be stopped at 305 mm 1 foot above foundation grade before
piles are driven. When pile driving is completed, excavation shall be
completed to lines and grades shown. Permanent piles shall be driven
without interruption to the "calculated" tip elevation to reach a driving
resistance in accordance with the schedule which the Government will
prepare from the test-pile driving data. The pile hammer used for driving
shall be the same type and operated at the same rate and in the same manner
as that used for driving the test piles. Diesel powered hammers shall be
operated at the rate recommended by the manufacturer throughout the entire
driving period. Sufficient pressure shall be maintained at the hammer so
that [for double-acting hammer, the number of blows per minute during and
at the completion of driving of a pile is equal approximately to that at
which the hammer is rated] [for single-acting hammer, there is a full
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