Provide solid sawn lumber and timbers of stress-rated Southern Pine or
Douglas Fir-Larch, with a stress rating [of [_____] MPa [____] psi] [as
indicated], and identified by the grade mark of a recognized association or
independent inspection agency using the specific grading requirements of an
association recognized as covering the species used. The association or
independent inspection agency shall be certified by the Board of Review,
American Lumber Standards Committee, to grade the species used. Use
commercial grade lumber for secondary members such as decking, joists and
Preservative Treatment
Wherever possible, use the same type of treatment
for both timbers and piling on the job.
1. For timber in contact with salt water or salt
water splash: pressure treat with either creosote,
or water-borne preservative, or dual treat with
creosote and water-borne preservative.
2. For wood not in contact with salt water or salt
water splash:
especially where contact with human skin is evident.
b. Creosote, to be considered for heavy industrial
piers where color, odor, etc. of creosote is not
objectionable and where contact with human skin is
not likely to occur.
3. Usage: In general, treatment type will be
determined by the marine borers prevalent in the
locality. Consult with the EFD applied biologist to
determine local marine borers and the most
appropriate AWPA treatment, for the location and use.
Fabricate lumber and timbers before preservative treatment. Each piece of
treated lumber or timber shall be branded, by the producer, in accordance
with AWPA M6. Treat wood to be used in contact with salt water or salt
water splash in accordance with AWPA C2 (Material Subject to Marine Borer
Exposure) with [creosote] [water-borne preservative] [dual treated, with
creosote and water-borne preservative]. For wood not in contact with salt
water or salt water splash, treatment shall be in accordance with AWPA C2
(For Above Ground, Soil Contact or Fresh Water Use) with [water-borne
preservative (AWPA P5) except that chromated zinc chlorides,
pentachlorophenol-ammoniacal systems, and alkyl ammonium compounds will not
be allowed] [creosote AWPA P2)]. The Contractor shall be responsible for
the quality of treated wood products.
NOTE: Give special attention to corrosion
protection of hardware used with timber preserved
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