on site for the purpose of termite control shall be delivered in new or
otherwise good condition as supplied by the manufacturer or formulator.
Materials shall be stored in designated areas and in accordance with
manufacturer's labels. Termiticides and related materials shall be kept
under lock and key when unattended.
Termiticides shall be handled in accordance with manufacturer's labels.
Manufacturer's warnings and precautions shall be observed. Materials shall
be handled preventing contamination by dirt, water, and organic material.
Protect termiticides from sunlight as recommended by the manufacturer.
Termiticides shall be inspected upon arrival at the job site for conformity
to type and quality in accordance with paragraph TERMITICIDES. Each label
shall bear evidence of registration under the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended or under appropriate
regulations of the host county. Other materials shall be inspected for
conformance with specified requirements. Unacceptable materials shall be
removed from the job site.
NOTE: Use 5 years in temperate regions and 3 years
in tropical and subtropical regions. Warranty
period and the Contractor's responsibilities during
the warranty period may be modified to be consistent
with prevailing state or local practices. For Navy
projects, modifications must be approved by the
cognizant EFD applied biologist. NAVFACENGCOM
Headquarters point of contact is the Assistant for
Applied Biology Policy, Code 13411, telephone (703)
The Contractor shall provide a [3] [5] [_____] -year written warranty
against infestations or reinfestations by subterranean termites of the
buildings or building additions constructed under this contract. Warranty
shall include annual inspections of the buildings or building additions.
If live subterranean termite infestation or subterranean termite damage is
discovered during the warranty period, and the soil and building conditions
have not been altered in the interim, the Contractor shall:
Retreat the soil and perform other treatment as may be necessary
for elimination of subterranean termite infestation;
Repair damage caused by termite infestation; and
Reinspect the building approximately 180 days after the
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