termiticides proposed for use.
Foundation Exterior
Written verification that other site work will not disturb the
Utilities and Vents
Written verification that utilities and vents have been located.
Crawl and Plenum Air Spaces
Written verification that crawl spaces and plenum air spaces
have been located.
Verification of Measurement
Written verification that the volume of termiticide used meets
the application rate.
Application Equipment
A listing of equipment to be used.
Copy of Contractor's warrany.
SD-04 Samples
Submit on request samples of the pesticides used in this work or
the Contracting Officer may draw, at any time and without prior
notice, from stocks at the job site. Should analysis, performed
by the Government, indicate such samples to contain less than the
amount of active ingredient specified on the label, work performed
with such products shall be repeated, with pesticides conforming
to this specification, at no additional cost to the Government.
SD-06 Test Reports
Certification of calibration tests conducted on the equipment
used in the termiticide application.
Soil Moisture
Soil moisture test result.
Pest Management Report and copies of daily records signed by an
officer of the Contractor.
SD-07 Certificates
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