Construction Roads
NOTE: Insert type of cover crop and seeding rate, if
All construction roads proposed for use by the Contractor for removing
salvaged timber or for access to the work area shall be approved, as to
location and alignment, prior to construction. Where such roads are
determined to be of no value to project operation or will not serve
recreational access needs after project construction, the areas occupied by
these roads will be restored as nearly as possible to pre-construction
conditions by reasonable grading and seeding [_____] [of a native cover
crop] along with the planting of seedling trees if in a tree cover area.
Existing Conditions
NOTE: Paragraphs of Alternate 1 and 2 should be
deleted if not applicable.
NOTE: Alternate 1.
When land lines or identifiable topographic
features, such as roads, railroads, streams, etc.,
are used in place of or in addition to contours to
indicated below should be so modified.
The area to be cleared under this [section] [contract] is divided into two
(2) zones having the general limits as defined below and as indicated on
the [drawings] [and] [maps] and [aerial photographs], which form a part of
this contract.
a. Zone 1 - Included in this zone is that portion of the reservoir
area [bounded by][at a lower elevation than] the [_____] meter foot msl
contour line.
b. Zone 2 - Included in this zone is that portion of the reservoir
area above the [_____] meter foot msl contour line and below the [_____]
meter foot msl contour line.
NOTE: For b. above, use the contour elevation of
Zone 1.
NOTE: Alternate 1.
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