and grouting. Poles shall be set plumb. Anchor bolts shall be the
manufactures standard, and not less than necessary to meet the pole wind
loading and other specified design requirements.
Power-Installed Screw Foundations
Power-installed screw foundations having the required strength mounting
bolt and top plate dimensions may be utilized. Screw foundations shall be
of at least 6.4 mm 1/4 inch thick structural steel conforming to ASTM A
36/A 36M and hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 123/A 123M.
Conduit slots in screw foundation shafts and top plates shall be marked to
indicate orientation. Design calculations indicating adequate strength
shall be approved before installation of any screw foundation.
NOTE: Following a power outage, a minimum of 10.8
lux (1 foot candle) at grade within 30 seconds is
required. Requirement may be met by including dual
re-strike element lamps for instant re-strike, using
incandescent fixtures for backup lighting or by 5
minute UPS to allow standby power to pickup lighting
loads. When the asset being protected justifies the
additional cost, interleaving of power circuits
should be considered for additional security and
any one circuit should not significantly reduce the
visual detection of intruders. Interleaving may
also be useful in reducing the power demand for
backup power sources.
Lamps of the proper type, wattage, and voltage rating shall be delivered to
the project in the original containers and installed in the fixtures just
before completion of the project.
Fixture Installation
Standard fixtures shall be installed as detailed on Standard Detail No.
04-06-04, Sheet Nos. [_____], which accompany and form a part of this
specification. Special fixtures shall be as indicated on drawings.
Illustrations shown on these sheets or on the drawings are indicative of
the general type desired and are not intended to restrict selection of
fixtures to any particular manufacturer. Fixtures of similar design,
equivalent light-distribution and brightness characteristics, and equal
finish and quality will be acceptable as approved.
Accessories such as straps, mounting plates, nipples, or brackets shall be
installed as required for proper installation.
In-Line Fuses
An in-line fuse shall be provided for each fixture.
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