quartz lamps from distribution systems of higher
Transformers shall be single phase, 60 Hz, two winding, with two wire
secondary and with a [240] [480] [_____] volt primary to 12O volt
secondary, [1] [_____] kVA.
Buck-Boost Transformers
NOTE: The kVA rating for the buck-boost transformer
will be not less than 125 percent of the required
load (as determined by multiplying the current by
the boost voltage). In order to keep conductor size
in security and CCTV lighting circuits that have
excessive voltage drop due to the circuit lengths.
See American Electrician's Handbook, Ninth Edition,
for diagrams.
Transformers shall be suitable for outdoor installation. The transformers
shall have a 150 degree C 302 degree F insulation system for an 80 degree C
176 degree F rise. Transformers shall be for 60 Hz with 4 windings, 2 for
primary and 2 for secondary, with all leads brought out to permit parallel
or series connections of primary and secondary windings. The voltage
ratings, kVA ratings, percent of boost and/or buck, and connections shall
be as indicated on drawings.
Raintight wireway shall conform to UL 870. Wireway used for supporting
floodlights on wood poles shall be [101.6 x 101.6] [_____] mm [4 x 4]
[_____] inches and length shall be [1.8] [_____] m [6] [_____] feet [as
The Contractor shall install all system components, including government
furnished equipment, and appurtenances in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions, IEEE C2, and contract documents, and shall
furnish necessary hardware, fixtures, cables, wire, connectors,
operable system.
Current Site Conditions
The Contractor shall verify that site conditions are in agreement with the
design package. The Contractor shall report all changes to the site or
conditions that will affect performance of the system to the Government.
The Contractor shall not take any corrective action without written
permission from the Government.
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