L-864]. For multiple flashing lights on a circuit, the lights shall flash
in unison. Obstruction marker lights shall be [single-unit type]
[double-unit type] [single- or double-unit type] as shown in the contract
drawings. The obstruction lights shall be energized from [multiple]
[series] [series or multiple] circuits as shown on the contract drawings or
other contract documents.
NOTE: High-intensity approach systems may be either
ALSF-2 or SALS lights. The system may include
centerline barrette lights, crossbar lights,
sequence flashing lights, side row barrettes,
threshold lights, frangible supports, and associated
equipment and circuits as shown on the contract
These lights shall be as shown on the contract drawings.
Elevated High-Intensity Fixtures Except Flashing Units
The elevated approach light fixtures shall be FAA E-982 frangible mounted
lights with PAR-56 [200 W] [300 W] [and] [500 W] lamps as specified, and
[without] [with aviation red] [and/or] [with aviation green] filters as
indicated. Elevated bidirectional threshold lights shall be FAA AC
150/5345-46, Type L-862 with aviation green filters on the approach side
and aviation red filters on the runway side. The side row barrettes shall
emit aviation red lights.
Sequence Flashing Lights (SFL) System
The SFL system shall be [FAA E-2159] [and/or] [FAA AC 150/5345-51, Type
L-849] [FAA E-2628] lights provided as an integrated part of the approach
system. The SFL system shall include the [21] [_____] elevated fixtures,
control and monitor, [support structures,] and interconnecting wiring. The
SFL shall flash twice per second in sequence towards the runway threshold.
Semiflush, High-Intensity Approach Lights
The approach lights in the overrun area, inner section of threshold bar,
and paved areas with traffic, shall be semiflush, high-intensity,
base-mounted lights as shown. These semiflush approach high-intensity
fixtures shall be FAA AC 150/5345-46, [Type L-850D for bidirectional] [Type
L-850E for unidirectional] lights with lamps and filters as shown.
may be either MALSR, MALSF, or MALS lights. The
system may include centerline barrettes, crossbar
lights, SFL, frangible supports and associated
equipment and circuits as shown.
The medium-intensity approach lights shall be as shown on the contract
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