The rotating beacons for airfield and heliport beacons are omnidirectional
and color coded and are provided by rotating the beams in sequence to
provide the color and intensity. For military facilities the beacon has a
double-peaked white beam. The beacon flashes shall be visible through 360
Airfield Rotating Beacon
NOTE: For operation down to minus 30 degrees C (-22
degrees F), a Class 1 beacon shall be provided. For
operation down to minus 50 degrees C (-58 degrees
F), specify a Class 2 beacon with a low temperature
heater package.
The rotating beacon for fixed wing aircraft shall be FAA AC 150/5345-12,
Type L-802A, Class [1] [2]. A duplex type beacon with alternating green
and white beams shall be provided. Beacons used on military airfields
shall have a double-peaked white beam. Cabinet shall be provided with a
NEMA ICS 6 type [3R] [_____] enclosure of zinc-coated steel.
Heliport Beacon
The heliport rotating beacon, shall be FAA AC 150/5345-12, Type L-801H,
Class 2. Except for military facilities the white beam shall be a
double-peaked white flash. The beacon shall flash the three color sequence
10 to 15 times per minutes. The colors [white, green, and yellow for a
heliport] [white, green, and red for a medical facility]. The effective
intensity of the white flash shall be not less than 25,000 candelas for
vertical angles between 2 and 8 degrees and not less than 12,500 candelas
between 0 and 10 degrees.
Airfield Identification/Code Beacon
If an identification or code beacon is required, the fixture shall be in
accordance with FAA AC 150/5345-43, Type L-866 with green filters and code
flashing device. The beacon flashes shall be visible through 360 degrees.
The effective intensity of the green flash shall be not less than 2,000
candelas. The code shall be as indicated on the contract drawings and
shall flash 6 to 8 codes per minute.
The wind direction indicator shall be an FAA AC 150/5345-27, Type [L-806,
low mass supporting structure] [L-807, rigid supporting structure], Style
[I-lighted] [II-unlighted], Size [304.8 to 2438 mm 1 to 8 feet] [609 to
3658 mm 2 to 12 feet]. The wind cones shall be of the size and color as
shown on the contract drawings.
Obstructions on or near the [airfield] [heliport] shall be marked and/or
lighted as shown on the contract drawings. Obstruction marker lights shall
emit aviation red [flashing] [steady burning] [flashing and/or steady
burning] light as required. The light fixtures, shall be [multiple-socket
assembly] [series socket assembly] FAA AC 150/5345-43, [Type L-810] [Type
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