of protective devices proposed will be based on recommendations of
this study. The Government shall not be held responsible for any
changes to equipment, device ratings, settings, or additional
labor for installation of equipment or devices ordered and/or
procured prior to approval of the study.
Data consisting of manufacturer's time-current characteristic
non-adjustable protective devices.
System Coordinator
Verification of experience and license number, of a registered
Professional Engineer with at least [3] [_____] years of current
experience in the design of coordinated power system protection.
Experience data shall include at least five references for work of
a magnitude comparable to this contract, including points of
contact, addresses and telephone numbers. This engineer must
perform items required by this section to be performed by a
registered Professional Engineer.
Data shall including calibration and testing procedures and
instructions pertaining to the frequency of calibration,
inspection, adjustment, cleaning, and lubrication.
Procedures including diagrams, instructions, and precautions
required to properly install, adjust, calibrate, and test the
devices and equipment.
SD-06 Test Reports
Field Testing
The proposed test plan, prior to field tests. Plan shall
consist of complete field test procedure including tests to be
performed, test equipment required, and tolerance limits,
including complete testing and verification of the ground fault
protection equipment, where used. Performance test reports in
booklet form showing all field tests performed to adjust each
component and all field tests performed to prove compliance with
the specified performance criteria, upon completion and testing of
the installed system. Each test report shall indicate the final
position of controls.
SD-07 Certificates
Devices and Equipment
Certificates certifying that all devices or equipment meet the
requirements of the contract documents.
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