Electrical operation and control wiring]
Transformer Design Tests
In accordance with IEEE C57.12.00 and IEEE C57.12.90. Additionally, IEEE
C57.12.80, section 5.1.2 states that "design tests are made only on
representative apparatus of basically the same design." Submit design test
reports (complete with test data, explanations, formulas, and results), in
the same submittal package as the catalog data and drawings for[ each of]
the specified transformer(s). Design tests shall have been performed prior
to the award of this contract.
Tests shall be certified and signed by a registered professional
Temperature rise: "Basically the same design" for the temperature rise
test means a unit-substation transformer with the same coil
construction (such as wire wound primary and sheet wound secondary),
the same kVA, the same cooling type (ONAN), the same temperature rise
rating, and the same insulating liquid as the transformer specified.
Lightning impulse: "Basically the same design" for the lightning
impulse dielectric test means a unit-substation transformer with the
same BIL, the same coil construction (such as wire wound primary and
sheet wound secondary), and a tap changer (if specified). Design
lightning impulse tests shall include both the primary and secondary
windings of that transformer.
IEEE C57.12.90 paragraph entitled "Lightning Impulse Test
Procedures" and IEEE C57.98.
State test voltage levels.
Provide photographs of oscilloscope display waveforms or plots of
Lifting and moving devices: "Basically the same design" for the
lifting and moving devices test means a transformer in the same weight
range as the transformer specified.
Pressure: "Basically the same design" for the pressure test means a
unit-substation transformer with a tank volume within 30 percent of the
tank volume of the transformer specified.
In accordance with IEEE C57.12.00 and IEEE C57.12.90. Routine and other
tests shall be performed by the manufacturer on[ each of] the actual
transformer(s) prepared for this project to ensure that the design
performance is maintained in production. Submit test reports, by serial
number and receive approval before delivery of equipment to the project
site. Required tests and testing sequence shall be as follows:
Cold resistance measurements (provide reference temperature)
Phase relation
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