2. Do not provide switchgear units configured with
fault interrupting switched ways at the Norfolk
Naval Shipyard.
IEEE C37.60. Provide non-fused, non-reclosing, manual reset, vacuum
interrupters consisting of vacuum bottles and a spring assisted operating
mechanism. Each fault interrupting switched way shall utilize internally
mounted current transformers and an electronic overcurrent control to
provide[ single-pole][ three-pole ganged] tripping[ as indicated] for
single-phase[ and three-phase] faults. The electronic overcurrent control
shall have provisions for a wide variety of field selectable time-current
characteristic curves with ten field selectable trip levels through a
current range of[ 300][ 600] amperes.[ Fault interrupting switched ways
shall have provisions for remote tripping via an external dry contact
device[ as indicated]. Provide[ 120 Vac][ 48 Vdc] remote trip control power
as indicated.]
Key Interlock
NOTE: Add requirements for key interlock if needed.
Provide details of interlock system on the drawings.
Provide key interlock system as indicated on the drawings.
Dead-Front High-Voltage Bushings
NOTE: Two types of cable entrances are available:
600 ampere deadbreak apparatus bushings and 200
ampere loadbreak bushings. Choose the bushing,
inserts and connector appropriate for each of the
specific applications.
If available fault is greater than 10,000 rms
symmetrical amperes or if cable size is greater than
No. 4/0 AWG, do not use 200 A loadbreak elbow
IEEE Std 386. [15 kV, 95 kV BIL][25 kV, 125 kV BIL][35 kV, 150 kV BIL].
Provide[ 600 ampere one-piece deadbreak apparatus bushings][ and][ 200
ampere bushing wells with bushing well inserts] for each switched way[ as
NOTE: Include standoff bushings only when the
Activity requires the additional items.
[a. Parking stands: Provide a parking stand near each dead-front
bushing.[ Provide insulated standoff bushings for parking of
energized load-break connectors on each parking stands.]]
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