coats of paint of a color matching the battery charger enclosure. Racks
shall be no more than two tiers high and top tiers shall be low enough to
permit maintenance to be done by personnel standing at floor level. Rails
shall have a top covering of plastic or rubber at least 1.6 mm 1/16 inch
thick. Paint, rubber, and plastic shall resist corrosion and action of the
electrolyte. The installation shall be provided with a portable hydrometer
syringe and thermometer. Where recommended by the manufacturer, the
installation shall include a cell lifter.
Battery Charger
The battery charger shall comply with UL 1236 and shall be a constant
voltage, filtered, voltage-regulated, fully automatic type rated for
full-float charging of the associated battery. The battery charger shall
be convection cooled and suitable for operation on electric power supplied
from the associated low-voltage alternating-current panelboard, shall have
adequate capacity to fully recharge the associated depleted battery in not
more than [8 hours] [_____] while supplying normal direct-current loads,
and shall have an efficiency of not less than 90 percent. The battery
disconnect the battery charger when faults occur. The battery charger
shall have an output ammeter and voltmeter, and equalizing-float selector
switch, and an equalizing timer with a range of 0 to 24 hours. The battery
charger enclosure shall be painted as specified for indoor cabinets in
paragraph CABINETS AND ENCLOSURES and shall be provided with wall mounting
brackets or shall be free-standing as required by its size and weight. A
relay for sensing loss of alternating-current input, and an adjustable
relay for sensing that the battery charger output voltage has fallen to a
pre-set level, shall be installed on the battery charger to actuate the
associated annunciator circuits. DC ground detector LED lights shall be
Protective Equipment
Protective equipment required by IEEE Std 484 shall be provided and
installed in a free-standing cabinet mounted where indicated or directed.
The cabinet shall conform to paragraph CABINETS AND ENCLOSURES. Water
facilities required shall be of the portable type consisting of one 18.9
liter (5 gallon) 5 gallon tank and one 946.4 milliliter (1 quart) 1 quart
basin. The tank shall have a removable screw top and a spigot. The basin
shall be suitable for rinsing eyes or skin in case of acid spillage.
NOTE: Insert the appropriate pages from CE Standard
Detail 40-06-04 into this specification. Add
references used in 40-06-04 to paragraph REFERENCES.
Luminaires, ballasts, lamps, and control devices required for [general
area] [and] [_____] lighting [, including floodlighting] shall be in
accordance with sheet [_____] sheets [_____] of Standard Detail No.
40-06-04, attached to these specifications.
Annunciator System
NOTE: Indicate component malfunctions requiring
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