120 volts.
2 1/2 amperes.
60 hertz.
Kilowatt hour register:
5 dial or 5 digit type.
Demand register:
Solid state type.
Meter reading multiplier:
Indicate multiplier on the meter face.
Provide multiplier in even hundreds.
(3) Demand interval length: shall be programmed for [15] [30]
[60] minutes with rolling demand up to six subintervals per
(1) Provide meter with [matching socket per IEEE C12.7 with
[manual] [automatic] current short-circulating device.] ["A" base
type mounting].
Meter Test Block
Provide meter test block with [T] [10] pole group of open knife type
switches designed for the isolation of metering devices at meter location
by opening each circuit individually. Current switches shall short circuit
current supply before opening meter circuit. Switch handles of potential
switches shall be black. Switch handles of current switches shall be red.
Metering Enclosure
Metering enclosure shall be of galvanized steel, weatherproof construction
with pole mounting bracket, and 19 mm 3/4 inch exterior plywood, full size
backboard and hinged door arranged for padlocking in closed position.
Internal space shall be adequate to house equipment and wiring but not
smaller than 510 by 760 by 280 mm 20 by 30 by 11 inches deep. Paint metal
manufacturer's standard finish.
Capacitor equipment shall comply with IEEE Std 18 and shall be of the
three-phase, grounded-wye, outdoor type rated for continuous operation and
automatically switched. Equipment shall be suitable for mounting on a
single pole. Polychlorinated biphenyl and tetrachloroethylene
(perchloroethylene) shall not be used as the dielectric. Equipment shall
be rated for the system voltage. The indicated kvars shall be
automatically switched by [single-step] [time switch] [voltage] [current]
[kilovar] [control] [multiple-step] [voltage] [kilovar] [control providing
the indicated number of steps and switching the indicated kvar]. Necessary
transformers shall be provided for sensing circuit variations and for
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