Specific gravity of each cell.
Temperature of each cell.
to the open-circuit voltage reading. Close the battery circuit
current is at maximum limit specified herein. Continue charging
at maximum rate (unless temperature limits are exceeded) for
minimum ampere-hours specified herein.
At the start of the activation charge the following measurements
shall be taken and recorded :
Time at start of charge.
Current at start of charge.
Voltage at start of charge taken at the battery terminals.
The following measurements shall be taken and recorded on an
hourly basis until the end of charge:
Battery voltage taken at the battery terminals.
Charging current.
(3) Cell voltage, specific gravity and temperature of each pilot
Do not permit cell temperatures to exceed 43 degrees C 110 degrees
F. If temperature is exceeded, interrupt the charge until the
cells cool down to 38 degrees C 100 degrees F. Then resume
charging. Record times of interruptions. Ensure batteries are
charged for the full number of minimum ampere-hours required.
At the completion of the activation charge, as determined by the
Battery manufacturers' representative, the following measurements
of ALL cells shall be taken and recorded:
Cell voltage.
Specific gravity.
Upon completion of the activation charge, Contractor shall return
the battery to its normal operating configuration.
Battery Refreshing Charge Instructions
NOTE: This paragraph is applicable to sealed (valve
regulated) battery. Delete if lead calcium alloy
battery is used.
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