Equipment Requirements[; G][; G, [_____]]
Calculations shall be stamped by a registered engineer and shall
verify the capability of structural members to which bracing is
attached for carrying the load from the brace.
Contractor Designed Bracing[; G][; G, [_____]]
Copies of the Design Calculations with the Drawings.
Calculations shall be approved, certified, stamped and signed by a
Registered Professional Engineer. Calculations shall verify the
capability of structural members to which bracing is attached for
carrying the load from the brace.
General Requirements
NOTE: Designer should verify that specified details
do not interfere with the performance of the
cathodic protection system (when used) or of the
vibration isolation systems.
For systems and equipment in buildings that have a
performance objective higher than life-safety, the
designer should show a "GA" classification for the
items under SD-02 Shop Drawings in the SUBMITTALS
paragraph. The Engineer of Record (EOR) should
review the details of these essential systems and
assess their impact on the structural supporting
system of the essential building.
The requirements for seismic protection measures described in this section
shall be applied to the electrical equipment and systems listed below.
Structural requirements shall be in accordance with Section 13080 SEISMIC
Electrical Equipment
NOTE: The designer must ensure that the list below
includes all electrical items to be braced. Delete
the items which are not part of the project and add
items which are not included in the list.
For equipment and systems in buildings with a
performance objective greater than life-safety, the
designer should provide two separate lists of
equipment and systems: 1) Items that are essential
to the higher level of post-earthquake performance,
and 2) Items that are not essential but are
necessary to provide a life-safety level of
earthquake protection.
Electrical equipment shall include the following items to the extent
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