opportunity to locate and replace bags which fail within 30 days of initial
start-up of each baghouse due to deficiencies in manufacture or improper
Lime Slurry System Performance Guarantees
The Contractor guarantees that the Gas Cleaning System shall meet the above
specified performance, based on the process material balances submitted.
The guaranteed process material balances shall be based on the following:
(a) Lime analysis and coal analysis as specified, (b) slaking water
analysis and temperature as specified, and (c) specified gas flows and
operating conditions. The Contractor shall guarantee the capacity of each
lime slaker at 110 percent of lime quantity required at maximum sulfur
dioxide rate.
Draft Equipment Performance Guarantees
The Contractor shall guarantee that dampers have no leakage of flue gas to
the atmosphere. The Contractor shall guarantee the maximum leakage across
each damper when the dampers are in the closed position and are operating
at the design conditions.
FGD System Operational Performance Guarantees
NOTE: The compensatory damages for exceeding the
guaranteed stoichiometry will be determined on the
basis of $_____ for each 45 g mole CaO/g mole 0.10
lb mole CaO/lb mole sulfur dioxide increase above
the guaranteed stoichiometric ratio. Deduction of
compensatory damages, if any, shall be included in
the processing of the final payment. The
compensatory damages exceeding guarantees power
consumption will be determined on the basis of
$_____ /kW. Deduction of compensatory damages, if
any, shall be included in the processing of the
final payment. The total power consumption will be
measured at the Government's power input to the FGD
system during the final acceptance tests.
The Contractor shall guarantee the maximum FGD system power consumption
with one boiler unit in operation at the maximum rating and burning any
coal within the range specified. The guaranteed maximum power consumption
shall include the power consumption for equipment of the FGD system
provided under this contract which would be in use when one boiler is in
operation. Any increase in this total guaranteed power consumption will
reduce the contract price. The total power consumption will be measured at
the Government's power input to the FGD system during the final acceptance
tests. Specifically, watt-hour meters accurate to within one percent will
be used to measure average power consumption at the motor control centers,
the induced draft fan drive motor and the atomization air compressor drive
motor (if applicable) during the period of the performance tests. The
measurements will be made under normal operation and no special cleaning,
adjustments or other preparations will be allowed. Design and operation of
the FGD system shall be based upon the requirement that stack inlet
temperature differential above acid dew point shall not drop below minus 7
degrees C below 20 degrees F and that fabric filter baghouse inlet
temperature differential above acid dew point shall not drop below 17
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