insulation shall conform to ASTM C 59/C 59M2.
Minimum insulation
thicknesses shall be as follows:
[_____] mm inches
[_____] mm inches
[_____] mm inches.
Casing Materials
ASTM B 209M ASTM B 209 aluminum. Casing, except the top surface which
might serve as personnel walking surface, shall be 1.27 mm 0.050 inch
thick stucco embossed, 100 mm 4 inch rib unpainted aluminum panel. Top
surface ductwork casing shall be flat aluminum sheet having a minimum
thickness of 2.03 mm 0.080 inch and be suitably reinforced to support a 122
kilogram per square meter 25 pound per square foot live load.
Provide minimum 100 mm 4 inch inside diameter x minimum 6 mm 1/4 inch thick
wall sampling portals for fly ash particulate sample testing on inlet
breech and outlet breech of dust collector. Sampling portal material shall
conform to ASTM A 36/A 36M and shall be insulated as specified elsewhere in
this section. Locate sampling portals in accordance with EPA 40 CFR 60,
Appendix A, Method 1 - "Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary
Sources." Provide two portals 90 degrees apart on round inlet breech and
two portals 90 degrees apart on round outlet breech. For rectangular
breeching apply EPA 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 1. Portals shall extend
above the exterior surface of breech insulation at least 150 mm 6 inches.
Exposed end of each portal outside of breech insulation shall be NPT
threaded and closed with a NPT threaded, removable screw cap or plug. ASTM
A 36/A 36M exterior surface areas of portal and cap or plug shall be
painted as specified in paragraph entitled "Painting." Cap or plug when
detached from portal shall be secured to portal by a galvanized or
stainless steel chain welded at one end to the top of the cap or plug and
welded to the side of the portal. Portal shall be continuously welded
where it contacts breech and not extend inside the breech more than 15 mm
1/2 inch. In EPA 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 1 the term "administrator"
and "stack" or the word "duct" shall mean "Contracting Officer" and
"breech" in that order, respectively.
NOTE: Revise this paragraph as necessary when it is
desired to have the collector manufacturer install
the equipment furnished.
Install equipment specified herein on foundations or structural-steel
framework shown on the drawings, or as specified herein. Install in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations as shown on manufacturer's
detailed drawings. Furnish the services of [a] field representative(s) of
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