Testing Accessories
Provide one each of the following test items to the Contracting Officer:
8 mm 0.25 inch FPT by 3.2 mm 0.125 inch diameter stainless steel
90 mm 3.5 inch diameter, one percent accuracy, compound pressure
gage, 0 to 1378 kPa 0 to 200 psi range.
-29 to 49 degree C -20 to 120 degree F pocket thermometer one-half
degree accuracy, 25 mm one inch dial, 127 mm 5 inch long stainless
steel stem, plastic case.
Provide bi-metal dial type thermometers with stainless steel case, stem,
and fixed thread connection; 75 mm 3 inch diameter dial with glass face
gasketed within the case; and accuracy within 2 percent of scale range.
Provide scale range for intended service.
Flexible Pipe Connectors
Provide flexible bronze or stainless steel piping connectors with single
braid where indicated. Connectors shall be suitable for the intended
NOTE: Residential ground coupled heat pump systems
do not require expansion tanks, vents, or make-up
water systems.
Construct of steel for minimum working pressure of 862 kPa (gage) 125 psi.
Tank shall have polypropylene or butyl lined diaphragm which keeps the air
charge separated from the water.
Air Separators
[Provide tangential inlet and outlet connections, blowdown connections, and
internal perforated stainless steel air collector tube to direct released
air to automatic air vent. Construct of steel for minimum working pressure
of 862 kPa (gage) 125 psi.] [Design to separate air from water and to
direct released air to automatic air vent. Unit shall be of one piece
cast-iron construction with internal baffles and two air chambers at top of
unit; one air chamber shall have outlet to expansion tank and other air
chamber shall be provided with automatic air release device. Unit shall be
for minimum working pressure of 862 kPa (gage) 125 psi.]
Pipe Sleeves
Except as indicated otherwise, provide pipe sleeves as specified in this
section. Provide where piping passes entirely through walls, ceilings,
roofs, and floors. Secure sleeves in position and location during
construction. Provide sleeves of sufficient length to pass through entire
thickness of walls, ceilings, roofs, and floors. Provide 25 mm one inch
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