with suitable lifting attachments, [remote control panel] [roof curb and
flashing], [and] [transition plenums].] [Minimum energy efficiency shall
be in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1.] [Units shall have a minimum [SEER]
[EER] of [_____] when tested in accordance with ARI 210/240 or ARI 340/360
as applicable.] List units with capacities smaller than 39,555 watt
135,000 Btu/hr in the ARI DCUP; in lieu of listing in the ARI Directory, a
letter of certification from ARI that the units have been certified and
will be listed in the next Directory will be acceptable. Provide capacity,
electrical characteristics, and operating conditions as indicated.
[Condensers shall provide not less than minus 12 degrees C 10 degrees F
liquid subcooling at standard ratings.]
Split-System Type
FS OO-A-374, except as modified herein; Type [_____], Style [_____], Class
[_____]. Additional requirements for various system components are
specified in this paragraph; however, basic requirements for the system and
system components are contained in FS OO-A-374. Provide separate
assemblies designed to be used together. Base ratings on the use of
matched assemblies. Provide performance diagrams for units with capacities
system furnished will satisfy the capacity requirement specified or
indicated. [Minimum energy efficiency shall be in accordance with ASHRAE
90.1.] [Units shall have a minimum [SEER] [EER] of [_____] when tested in
accordance with ARI 210/240 or ARI 340/360 as applicable.] List units with
capacities smaller than 135,000 Btu/hr in the ARI DCUP; in lieu of listing
in the ARI Directory, a letter of certification from ARI that units have
been certified and will be listed in the next Directory will be acceptable.
Provide capacity, electrical characteristics and operating conditions as
indicated. [Condensers shall provide not less than 10 degrees F liquid
subcooling at standard ratings.]
Single Zone Units
NOTE: In high humidity areas, use draw-thru type in
order to utilize the fan energy for reheat.
Provide single zone type units arranged to [draw] [or] [blow] through coil
sections. [Air may be blown or drawn through heating section.]
Multizone Units
Provide multizone type units arranged to [blow through the cooling and
heating sections] [draw through the cooling and heating sections] [blow
through the individual cooling and heating coils of each zone].
Provide as [an integral part of the evaporator-blower unit] [a separate
unit for installation in the duct work]. Provide [steam coils] [hot water
coils] [gas heaters] [oil heaters] [electric open coils] [electric strip
tubular heaters] [electric fin tubular heaters].
For compressors over 70 kW 20 tons, compressor speed shall not exceed 3450
rpm. For systems over 35 kW 10 tons provide automatic capacity reduction
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