Above 4,000
Dry type
filter media
Dry type
filter media
See NAVFACINST 11012.143A, FAC 0441A, 31 November
1981, "Design Criteria Guidance for Medical
[Protect permanent holding frames with rust inhibitor coating.] Provide
visible identification on media frames showing model number and air-flow
direction. [Where filter bank is indicated or required,] provide means of
sealing to prevent bypass of unfiltered air. Except extended media with
self-supporting cartridge and high efficiency particulate filters,
performance shall be determined in accordance with ASHRAE 52.1. [Provide
inclined-type manometers for filter stations of 944 liter per second (L/s)
2,000 cfm capacity or more, including filters furnished as integral parts
of air-handling units. Manometers with 3 mm 1/10 inch graduations and
spirit level shall be of sufficient length to read at least 76 mm 3 inch
water gage. Equip with over-pressure safety traps and three-way vent
UL 900, Class [1, those which, when clean, do not contribute fuel when
attacked by flame and emit only negligible amount of smoke] [2, those
which, when clean, burn moderately when attacked by flame or emit moderate
amount of smoke, or both], [throw-away frames and media] [permanent frames
with replaceable media], [25 mm one inch] [50 mm 2 inch] nominal thickness,
and size as indicated.
Cleanable Air Filters
UL 900, Class [1, those which, when clean, do not contribute fuel when
attacked by flame and emit only negligible amount of smoke] [2, those
which, when clean, burn moderately when attacked by flame or emit moderate
amount of smoke, or both], [adhesive coated media] [dry media], and size
indicated. [Provide washing-and-charging tank for every 100 filter
sections or fraction thereof.] [Furnish adhesive oil in 19 liters 5 gallon
containers sufficient for 12 cleaning operations but not less than one
liter one quart per filter section.]
UL 900, Class 2 units, UL classified, renewable media type in which a roll
media is unwound across the air stream by continuous media and [a
differential-pressure controller] [a timer] [or] [a timer with pressure
drop override]. Filter medium having a normal depth of 50 mm 2 inches when
clean, shall not compress more than 8 mm 1/4 inchwhen subject to air
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