on the drawings.
The following is a list of terms which are commonly
used in regard to efficiency ratings.
COP - Coefficient of Performance (dimensionless)
EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio (Btuh/Watt)
HSPF - Heating System Performance Factor (Btuh/Watt)
SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (Btuh/Watt)
SCOP - Seasonal Coefficient of Performance
IPLV - Integrated Part Load Value (dimensionless)
COP and HSPF values are typically used in regard to
heating efficiencies. COP values should also be
used to define cooling efficiencies when a job is
being specified in SI units (EER = 3.415 x COP).
COP and EER values are established based strictly
Equipment selected will have as a minimum the
efficiency rating determined in the following
paragraphs. The minimum efficiencies will be
determined based upon the standards referenced (i.e.
ARI 210/240, ARI 340/360, etc.) Equipment having a
higher efficiency may be specified if the designer
determines the equipment to be more life-cycle cost
ARI 210/240: The following is a list of minimum
efficiencies for equipment rated in accordance with
ARI 210/240 (Packaged Unitary Systems, Split Unitary
Systems, and EDP Air-Conditioners). The
efficiencies are based on the standard ratings
conditions defined in ARI 210/240.
Cooling capacity less than 19 kW (less than 65,000
Cooling Mode
SEER = 10.0 (1 Phase)
EER = 9.5 (3 Phase)
IPLV = 8.5 (3 Phase)
Heating Mode
HSPF = 6.6 (1 Phase)
COP = 3.0 (High Temp Rating, 3 Phase)
COP = 2.0 (Low Temp Rating, 3 Phase)
Cooling capacity greater than or equal to 19 kW and
less than 39.5 kW (greater than or equal to 65,000
and less than 135,000 Btuh)
Cooling Mode
EER = 8.9 (All Phases)
IPLV = 8.3 (All Phases)
Heating Mode
COP = 3.0 (High Temperature Rating, All Phases)
COP = 2.0 (Low Temperature Rating, All Phases)
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