NOTE: For small, packaged type towers, the expected
drift loss can be specified as low as 0.02 percent
of the circulating water rate. In larger,
field-erected type towers, the expected drift loss
can be specified as low as 0.005 percent of the
circulating water rate.
Delete the last set of bracketed sentences if a
field-erected type tower is not specified.
Eliminators shall be provided in the tower outlet to limit drift loss to
not over [0.02] [0.005] percent of the circulating water rate. Eliminators
shall be constructed of not less than 10 mm 3/8 inch lumber or polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). [Eliminators shall be of the multi-pass zigzag type,
assembled into sections making a strong, stable unit. Eliminators sections
shall be supported on PVC or FRP tee sections. Tee sections shall be
suspended with 6.35 mm 1/4 inch brass rods connected to stainless steel
clips embedded in the bottom side of the roof deck at the time of casting.
Stainless steel clips shall be supplied by cooling tower manufacturer for
installation by Contractor at time of roof deck pour. Eliminators may be
supported by brass or stainless steel suspension rods from the fan deck or
supported directly on concrete beams.]
Fill (Heat Transfer Surface)
NOTE: Typically, both the splash or film type tower
fill will be allowed. Film type fill will not be
allowed where there is a highly likely possibility
that the circulating water will become contaminated
with debris (leaves, etc.). Debris in the
circulating water will significantly impact the
efficiency of a tower with film type fill because of
the close spacing of the film material. Note that
hot water distribution basin covers will typically
prevent most debris from every getting to the fill
The most predominant fill material is PVC formed
sheets. PVC formed sheets, zinc-coated steel, or
lumber will be the typical choices for fill
material. Aluminum and/or stainless steel fill will
only be specified where either high inlet water
temperatures or fireproof construction are concerns.
PVC formed sheets will not be provided when the
inlet water temperature exceeds 125 degrees F. Tile
file will only be considered on field-erected type
towers where economically justified.
Delete the bracketed sentences at the end of the
paragraph if tile type fill material is not
Tower fill shall be the [splash] [or] [film] type. Fill material shall be
free to expand or contract without warping or cracking. No plasticized
wood cellulose shall be provided for fill material. Fill shall be
removable or otherwise made accessible for cleaning. Space supports shall
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