Absorbent charge
Means for removing non-condensables from the chiller
Interconnecting piping, base and supports
Capacity Criteria
NOTE: The following is a list of appropriate
minimum full load ratings to be used for units
covered by ARI 560. These values or higher values
will be entered into the specification where
indicated, and placed on the drawings. The designer
should contact manufacturers to determine what is
available before specifying values.
Full Load COP
Direct Fired, Double Effect
80 percent
Indirect Fired, Single Effect
Indirect Fired, Double Effect
Unit shall have a minimum Coefficient of Performance (COP) of [_____] at
full load rating in accordance with ARI 560. Unit shall have a minimum
[Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV)] [Application Part Load Value (APLV)] of
[_____] COP in accordance with ARI 560.
NOTE: Although a double effect absorption water
chiller[/heater] costs more, than a single effect
absorption water chiller an engineering economic
study made in accordance with Life Cycle Costing
technique may indicate substantial savings in
energy, resulting in the lower cost alternative over
the projected useful life of the facility. When
this determination is made, the item within the
brackets will be used, provided the cost of the
project can be kept within the allotted funds. The
use of double effect absorption will be considered
No new heat generating plant will be constructed to
serve the double effect units; this restriction is
the same as currently in effect for ordinary
absorption units. If steam or hot water is not
available, a direct fired absorption
chiller[/heater] may be installed. If hot water is
required, a Life Cycle Cost analysis shall be
performed to determine if a direct fired absorption
chiller/heater is more economical than a separate
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