mm inches high. Supports, associated accessories and appurtenances shall
be in accordance with these specifications and as shown. Steel tank shall
be of welded construction in accordance with ASME BPVC SEC VIII D1 and
stamped for a 1.0 MPa 150 psig rating. Tank shall be provided with a
tangential inlet connection sized to match the boiler blowdown pipe,
stainless steel striking plate at the point of inlet impingement, internal
stainless steel flow restrictor plates, float level control, gauge glass
openings, inspection opening and clean-out connection. Thermostatic
regulating valve shall inject potable water to maintain acceptable
discharge temperature to sewer.
Materials used in fabrication of boiler blowdown equipment shall comply
with ASME BPVC SEC II-C. Inspection openings on tank shall be as required
in Paragraphs UG-45 and 46 of ASME BPVC SEC VIII D1 and as shown.
Connections shall be as shown. Interior surface preparation shall be in
accordance with SSPC SP 5 and the coating manufacturer's recommendation.
Interior shall be coated with a suitable baked epoxy phenolic coating,
minimum 0.13 mm 5 mil DFT. Exterior surface shall be in accordance with
SSPC SP 6 and coating manufacturer's recommendations Exterior shall be
primed with high heat silicone acrylic primer, minimum 0.05 mm 2.0 mil DPT.
Flash separator shall be piped to heat exchanger. Heat exchanger shall be
horizontal U-tube with removable tube bundle and shall be of self-draining
type. Blowdown water shall pass through shell and cooling water shall pass
through tubes. Tubes shall be stainless steel with rear supporting buffle.
Steel side welded shell shall be provided with anti-vibration hold-down
clamps, ASME Code stamping for 1.03 MPa 150 psig rated for 208 degrees C
400 degrees F and supporting structural steel stand. Heat exchanger shall
be supplied with drain aftercooler and temperature regulating valve.
Aftercooler shall be provided with cold water inlet, flanged body for easy
removal, 6.35 mm 1/4 inch NPT connection bimetallic thermometer, and 25.4
mm 1 inch NPTE connection for temperature regulating valve sensing bulb.
Valve adjustable range shall be 43 to 65 degrees C 110 to 150 degrees F.
One electronic monitor-controller for use in boiler surface blowdown line
shall be provided for each boiler, consisting of:
Monitor-controller shall control concentration of total dissolved
solids (TDS). Monitor-controller shall be housed in a painted
steel NEMA 12 enclosure. Boiler surface blowdown control shall be
interlocked with boiler operation.
Panel display shall include:
1. Long-life LED indicators on front panel and labeled power and
2. Manually-operated two position switch to allow operator to
turn monitor-controller on or off. Manually-operated two position
3. Manually operated two position switch to allow the operator to
4. A manually operated two position switch to allow the operator
to continuously read system conductivity level or to set or read
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