Comply with boiler manufacturer's recommendations.
Stack, Breeching, and Supports
NOTE: NFPA 211, Type B vent can only be used with
an atmospheric burner.
[Provide boiler stack constructed of sheet steel having a thickness of not
less than 2.47 mm 0.0972 inches with welded joints. Insulate stack located
inside the building with 38 mm 1 1/2 inches of mineral wool conforming to
applicable requirements of ASTM C 59/C 59M2, Class II - for use up to 649
degrees C 1200 degrees F. Insulation shall receive a finish coat of
finishing cement not less than 19 mm 3/4 inch thick, trowelled to a smooth
finish. Provide stack supports, umbrella collar and cap, and flue
transition piece. Stack diameter and height shall be in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations and conform to NFPA 211.]
[NFPA 211, [Type B - gas] [Type L - oil and gas/oil], prefabricated
multi-wall type, flashed to the roof, and complete with rain cap. Stack
diameter and height shall be in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations and conform to NFPA 211.]
Hot Water Coils
NOTE: Delete entire paragraph unless hot water
coils are required to instantaneously heat domestic
Provide coils capable of heaing [_____] L/s GPM of water with [_____]
degreeCF rise conforming to MIL-B-18897.
Stack Thermometer
Provide flue gas thermometer with scale calibrated from 66 to 399 degrees C
150 to 750 degrees F and mounted in flue gas outlet.
NOTE: Select standard efficiency for motors used
less than 750 hours per year and high efficiency for
motors used over 750 hours per year. Packaged
boilers should utilize the manufacturer's standard
efficiency motor.
Motors which are not an integral part of a packaged boiler shall be rated
for [standard] [high] efficiency per Section 16402 INTERIOR DISRIBUTION
SYSTEM. Motors which are an integral part of the packaged boiler system
shall be the highest efficiency available by the manufacturer of the
packaged boiler.
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