Capacity and Efficiency Tests
Perform capacity and efficiency tests after satisfactorily completing
operating tests and after operating boiler continuously for at least 14
days with no nuisance shutdowns and without the necessity for frequent or
difficult adjustments. Perform these tests on each boiler. Conduct tests
using [the] [each] specified fuel. Test procedures shall be in accordance
with the heat loss method [and the input-output method] of ASME PTC 4.1.
Before tests are performed, the Contracting Officer and the Contractor
shall reach agreement on those items identified in ASME PTC 4.1, Section 3,
paragraph 3.0l "Items on Which Agreement Shall be Reached." A test run
shall not start until boiler and accessories have reached an equilibrium
and stabilization condition for at least one hour in duration. Duration of
tests shall be sufficient to record necessary data but in no case shall
each run be less than [4] [10] [24] hours.
Test Runs
Accomplish maximum output testing by means of a single 2 hour run at 110
percent load on the boiler under test. Calculate boiler efficiency, using
[the][both input-output and] heat loss method[s], from the consistent
readings taken during the runs. Make runs at four different loads 30, 50,
70, and 100 percent of boiler rating during which take both heat loss and
input-output data. Predict unmeasured losses used in conjunction with heat
approval. Subsequent tests required because of failure of equipment to
perform adequately during specified capacity and efficiency tests shall be
Fuel Analysis
When analysis of fuel being burned during performance tests vary from that
specified as the performance fuel the guarantees shall be adjusted in
accordance with accepted engineering practice to determine compliance.
Carbon loss shall be determined in accordance with ABMA 103, American
Boiler Manufacturers Association curves for carbon loss.
Temporary Waste Steam Connection
When necessary to obtain sufficient load for these tests, provide a
temporary steam line at a point outside of the building. Provide necessary
pipe, fittings, supports, anchors and appurtenances including a field
fabricated silencer as directed by the Contracting Officer. Remove
temporary piping and silencer after tests have been satisfactorily
Conduct tests as necessary to determine compliance with the applicable UL
Safety Standards. The presence of the applicable Underwriters' label will
be accepted as evidence of compliance in this respect.
Oil-Fired Boilers:
Oil fired boilers shall meet test requirements
of UL 726.
Oil Burners:
Oil burners shall meet test requirements of UL 296.
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