Head and Foot Shafts
Construct shafts of turned and polished cold rolled steel not less than
[_____ and _____] mm [_____ and _____] inches in diameter, respectively.
Mount shafts in antifriction roller bearings with forced lubricating type
fittings. Mount head shaft in fixed pillow blocks. Foot shaft shall have
screw-type takeups with not less than [_____] mm inches adjustment.
[Three pulley guided vertical counter weighted type] [Screw type] to
maintain proper belt tension. Shafts shall be as specified above and not
less than [_____] mm inches in diameter. Provide a safety device to
prevent free fall of takeup pulley. Takeups shall provide a minimum
adjustment of 1.5 percent of total belt length.
Welded steel type with detachable compression grip-type hubs, steel plate
ends, and crown faces 50 mm 2 inches wider than the belt width.
Provide a multiple belt scraper at each head pulley.
Magnetic Pulley
Drive pulley of [_____] conveyor shall be a nonelectric permanent magnet
type designed to remove tramp iron. Provide a removable pan to collect
tramp iron.
Synthetic fabric, not less than [_____] mm inches wide, a minimum of
[_____] ply, with 3 mm 1/8 inch thick oil and chemical resistant cover on
carrying side, [1.59] [0.79] mm [1/16] [1/32] inch thick oil and chemical
resistant rubber cover on under side. Cover shall be fire resistant. Belt
shall have a tension pull strength of not less than [_____] N per mm pounds
per inch of belt width. Belt shall have vulcanized splice.
Electric Motor
Totally enclosed, fan cooled, high torque, [_____] volt, three phase, 60
Hz, not less than [_____] kW hp as specified in paragraph entitled "Motors
and Drives." Motor shall be direct connected by means of flexible coupling
with guard to a reduction gear.
Reduction Gear
Alloy steel helical gear type enclosed in an oiltight housing. Provide an
adjustable base for mounting motor and reducing unit. Drive from output
shaft of speed reducer to conveyor head shaft shall be by means of finished
steel roller chain conforming to ASME B29.1M running over cut tooth
sprockets conforming to ASME B29.1M and complete with steel plate chain
guard. Roller chain attachments shall conform to ASME B29.1M. Provide
means to properly tension drive chain.
Differential band brake type, cam type, or internal type to prevent
reversal of belt.
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