placing the ferrule. Pipes passing through pitched roofs shall be flashed,
using copper flashing, with an adjustable integral flange of adequate size
to extend not less than 200 mm 8 inches from the pipe in all directions and
lapped into the roofing to provide a watertight seal. The annular space
between flashing and bare pipe or between flashing and metal-jacket covered
insulation shall be sealed as indicated. Flashing for dry vents shall be
turned down into the pipe to form a waterproof joint. Pipes, up to and
including 250 mm 10 inches in diameter, passing through roof or floor
waterproofing membrane may be installed through a cast iron sleeve with
caulking recess, anchor lugs, flashing-clamp device, and pressure ring with
brass bolts. Flashing shield shall be fitted into the sleeve clamping
device. Pipes passing through wall waterproofing membrane shall be sleeved
as described above. A waterproofing clamping flange shall be installed.
NOTE: Drawings will detail method of attaching
waterproofing membranes to sleeves passing through
walls or floors that are subject to a static head of
Waterproofing at floor-mounted water closets shall be accomplished by
forming a flashing guard from soft-tempered sheet copper. The center of
the sheet shall be perforated and turned down approximately 40 mm 1-1/2
inches to fit between the outside diameter of the drainpipe and the inside
diameter of the cast-iron or steel pipe sleeve. The turned down portion of
the flashing guard shall be embedded in sealant to a depth of approximately
40 mm 1-1/2 inches; then the sealant shall be finished off flush to floor
level between the flashing guard and drainpipe. The flashing guard of
sheet copper shall extend not less than 200 mm 8 inches from the drainpipe
and shall be lapped between the floor membrane in a solid coating of
bituminous cement. If cast-iron water closet floor flanges are used, the
space between the pipe sleeve and drainpipe shall be sealed with sealant
and the flashing guard shall be upturned approximately 40 mm 1-1/2 inches
to fit the outside diameter of the drainpipe and the inside diameter of the
water closet floor flange. The upturned portion of the sheet fitted into
the floor flange shall be caulked to form a seal.
Optional Counterflashing
Instead of turning the flashing down into a dry vent pipe, or caulking and
sealing the annular space between the pipe and flashing or metal-jacket
covered insulation and flashing, counterflashing may be accomplished by
utilizing the following:
A standard roof coupling for threaded pipe up to 150 mm 6 inches
in diameter.
A tack-welded or banded-metal rain shield around the pipe.
NOTE: Normally, fire walls and fire partitions will
be designated on the architectural drawings.
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