Pipes passing through concrete or masonry wall or concrete floors or roofs
shall be provided with pipe sleeves fitted into place at the time of
construction. Sleeves will not be required for supply, drainage, waste and
vent pipe passing through concrete slab on grade, except where penetrating
a membrane waterproof floor. A modular mechanical type sealing assembly
with sleeves of proper diameter may be installed in lieu of a waterproofing
clamping flange and caulking and sealing of annular space between pipe and
sleeve. The seals shall consist of interlocking synthetic rubber links
shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe and sleeve
using galvanized steel bolts, nuts, and pressure plates. The links shall
be loosely assembled with bolts to form a continuous rubber belt around the
pipe with a pressure plate under each bolt head and each nut. After the
seal assembly is properly positioned in the sleeve, tightening of the bolt
shall cause the rubber sealing elements to expand and provide a watertight
seal between the pipe and the sleeve. Each seal assembly shall be sized as
recommended by the manufacturer to fit the pipe and sleeve involved.
Sleeves shall not be installed in structural members, except where
indicated or approved. Rectangular and square openings shall be as
detailed. Each sleeve shall extend through its respective wall, floor, or
roof, and shall be cut flush with each surface, except for special
circumstances. Pipe sleeves passing through floors in wet areas such as
mechanical equipment rooms, lavatories, kitchens, and other plumbing
fixture areas shall extend a minimum of 100 mm 4 inches above the finished
floor. Unless otherwise indicated, sleeves shall be of a size to provide a
minimum of 6 mm 1/4 inch clearances between bare pipe or insulation and
inside of sleeve or between insulation and inside of sleeves. Sleeves in
bearing walls and concrete slab on grade floors shall be steel pipe or
cast-iron pipe. Sleeves in nonbearing walls or ceilings may be steel pipe,
cast-iron pipe, galvanized sheet metal with lock-type longitudinal seam or
plastic. Except as otherwise specified, the annular space between pipe and
sleeve, or between jacket over insulation and sleeve, shall be sealed as
indicated with sealants conforming to ASTM C 920 and with primer backstop
material and surface preparation as specified in Section 07920 JOINT
SEALANTS. The annular space between pipe and sleeve, between bare
insulation and sleeve or between jacket over insulation and sleeve shall
not be sealed for interior walls which are not designated as fire rated.
Pipe sleeves in fire-rated walls shall conform to the requirements of
Section 07840 FIRESTOPPING.
Flashing Requirements
NOTE: The applicable detail plates will be
completed and included in the contract drawings.
Sleeve thickness and square and rectangular opening
details will be determined and indicated on the
drawings. Indicate pipe chase areas on the drawings.
Coordinate with paragraph WATER HEATERS.
Pipes passing through roof shall be installed through a lead flashing or a
4.9 kg/sq meter 16 ounce copper flashing, each within an integral skirt or
flange. Flashing shall be suitably formed; the skirt or flange shall
extend not less than 200 mm 8 inches from the pipe, and shall be set over
the roof or floor membrane in a solid coating of bituminous cement. The
flashing shall extend up the pipe a minimum of 250 mm 10 inches. For
cleanouts, the flashing shall be turned down into the hub and caulked after
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