valves, etc. (not manual shut off), which are not
redundant in the project design, require by-passes
for maintenance operations on the valves.
Disassemble solder socket end valves before brazing, soldering, or welding
to prevent damage to seats and seals. Except in flush wall mounted
cabinets, install valves with stem vertical and with valves accessible for
operation and maintenance. Install strainers on the inlet side of pressure
control, with by-passes and isolation valves, to permit main valve
maintenance and permit flow to patient care areas without interruption of
Purge Vent Valves
Provide purge vent valves at the bottom of vertical risers 3 meters 10 feet
or more in height.
Up stream of the building entrance, also provide
shut-off valves for buried lines and lines of 40 mm 1 1/2 inches and larger
for above ground lines. Valves and connecting pipe shall be 25 mm one inch
or line size if smaller than 25 mm one inch. After completion of tests,
seal vent valve outlets with brazed caps.
Install alarm systems in accordance with NFPA 99.
Equipment Foundations
Provide equipment foundations of sufficient size, weight, and proper design
to prevent shifting of equipment under operating conditions. [For projects
in seismic zones 3 and 4, size the liquid oxygen tank's concrete foundation
and tank anchoring for 3 times the tanks' fully loaded weight.]
Equipment Installation
Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions
and as indicated. Grout equipment mounted on concrete foundations before
piping is installed.
Provide a valved bypass around receivers.
Medical Air Systems
Make tie-in point for the compressor for medical air piping systems at a
flange or union joint, following completion and approval of air quality
Bulk Liquid Oxygen Systems
Comply with NFPA 50 and install under the guidance of manufacturer's
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