NOTE: If air (pressure) drop tests are used for
system acceptance, assure leakages at acceptable
rates through valves (or other components) are not
causing pressure drop. Most hard-seated valves have
some allowable leakage rate (about 10 cubic
centimeters 0.0026 gal per hour of water per 25 mm
one inch of valve size or 3 liters per hour 0.1
cubic feet per hour of gas per mm inch of valve
size). Delete check for cross-connection if only
one type of system is involved in project.
General Requirements, Testing
Perform testing after cleaning. Contractor shall provide everything
required for tests. Tests shall be subject to the approval of the
Contracting Officer. Calibrate the test pressure gages with a dead weight
tester within [15] [_____] days before use and certify by initial and date
on a sticker applied to dial face. [Pressurize each piping system
individually and check to assure that there are no cross-connections
Preliminary Preparation
Remove or isolate from the system the compressor, air dryer, filters,
instruments, and equipment which would be damaged by water during
Performance of Hydrostatic Tests
NOTE: Specify or show on the drawings the design
working pressure of each system in the project.
Hydrostatically test piping systems in accordance with ASME B31.1. Vent or
flush air from the piping system. Pressurize system for 10 minutes with
water at one and one-half times design working pressure, then reduce to
design working pressure and check for leaks and weeps.
Compressed Air Leak Test
After satisfactory completion of hydrostatic pressure test, blow systems
dry with clean, oil-free compressed air, and test with clean, dry air at
design working pressure. Brush joints with soapy water solution to check
for leaks. Install a calibrated test pressure gage in piping system to
observe any loss in pressure. Maintain required test pressure for a
sufficient length of time to enable an inspection of joints and connections.
Test equipment as in service to determine compliance with contract
requirements and warranty. During the tests, test equipment under every
condition of operation. Test safety controls to demonstrate performance of
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