Provide strainers with meshes suitable for the services where indicated, or
where dirt might interfere with the proper operation of valve parts,
orifices, or moving parts of equipment.
Equipment Foundations
Provide equipment foundations of sufficient size and weight and of proper
design to preclude shifting of equipment under operating conditions or
under any abnormal conditions which could be imposed upon the equipment.
Provide foundations which meet the requirements of the equipment
manufacturer, and when required by the Contracting Officer, obtain from the
equipment manufacturer approval of the foundation design and construction
for the equipment involved. Equipment vibration shall be maintained within
acceptable limits, and shall be suitably dampened and isolated.
Equipment Installation
Install equipment strictly in accordance with these specifications, and the
concrete foundations before piping is installed. Install piping in a
manner that does not place a strain on any of the equipment. Do not bolt
flanged joints tight unless they match properly. Extend expansion bends
adequately before installation. Grade, anchor, guide and support piping
without low pockets.
Cleaning of System
Clean the various system components before final closing as the
installations are completed. Remove foreign matter from equipment and
surrounding areas. Preliminary or final tests will not be permitted until
the cleaning is approved by the Contracting Officer.
Pipe Sleeves
Provide pipe sleeves where pipes and tubing pass through masonry or
concrete walls, floors, roofs, and partitions. Hold sleeves securely in
proper position and location before and during construction. Sleeves shall
be of sufficient length to pass through entire thickness of walls,
partitions, or slabs. Extend sleeves in floor slabs 50 mm 2 inches above
the finished floor. Pack space between the pipe or tubing and the sleeve
firmly with oakum and caulk both ends of the sleeve with elastic cement.
Floor, Wall, and Ceiling Plates
Provide chromium-plated steel or nickel-plated cast iron plates on pipes
passing through floors and partitions of finished rooms. Provide painted
cast-iron, malleable iron, or steel for other areas.
Flashing for Buildings
Provide flashing [as required] [in accordance with Section 07600 FLASHING
AND SHEET METAL] where pipes pass through building roofs and outside walls.
Unions and Flanges
Provide unions and flanges where necessary to permit easy disconnection of
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