Painting: Paint new ferrous metal piping, including supports, in
accordance with Section 09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS. Do not apply
paint until piping tests have been completed.
Identification of Piping: Identify piping aboveground in
accordance with MIL-STD-101, using adhesive-backed or snap-on
may be used. Apply labels or tags to finished paint at intervals
of not more than 15 meters 50 feet. Provide two copies of the
piping identification code framed under glass and install where
Buried Plastic Lines
Provide totally PE piping. Prior to installation, obtain printed
instructions and technical assistance in proper installation techniques
from pipe manufacturer. [When joining new PE pipe to existing pipe line,
ascertain what procedural changes in the fusion process is necessary to
PE Piping: Prior to installation, Contractor shall have
supervising and installing personnel, certified in accordance with
paragraph entitled "Welder's Qualifications." Provide
fusion-welded joints except where transitions have been specified.
Use electrically heated tools, thermostatically controlled and
equipped with temperature indication. (Where connection must be
made to existing plastic pipe, contractor shall be responsible for
determination of compatibility of materials and procedural changes
in fusion process necessary to attain maximum integrity of bond.)
Laying PE Pipe: Bury pipe 600 mm 24 inches below finish grade [or
deeper when indicated]. Lay in accordance with manufacturer's
printed instructions.
Connections to Existing Pipeline
When making connections to live gas mains, use pressure tight installation
equipment operated by workmen trained and experienced in making hot taps.
For connections to existing underground pipeline or service branch, use
transition fittings for dissimilar materials.
Where connection to existing steel line is made underground, tape wrap new
steel transition fittings and exposed existing pipe having damaged coating.
Clean pipe to bare metal. Initially stretch first layer of tape to conform
to the surface while spirally half-lapping. Apply a second layer,
half-lapped and spiralled as the first layer, but with spirals
perpendicular to first wrapping. Use 0.025 mm 10 mil minimum thick
polyethylene tape. In lieu of tape wrap, heat shrinkable 0.025 mm 10 mil
minimum thick polyethylene sleeve may be used.
Install valves approximately at locations indicated. Orient stems
vertically, with operators on top, or horizontally. [Provide support for
valves to resist operating torque applied to PE pipes.]
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