system shall be blown out, cleaned and cleared of all foreign material.
Each joint shall be tested by means of an approved gas detector, soap and
water, or an equivalent nonflammable solution. Testing shall be completed
before any work is covered, enclosed, or concealed. All testing of piping
systems shall be done with due regard for the safety of employees and the
public during the test. Bulkheads, anchorage and bracing suitably designed
to resist test pressures shall be installed if necessary. Oxygen shall not
be used as a testing medium.
Pressure Tests
Before appliances are connected, piping systems shall be filled with air or
an inert gas and shall withstand a minimum pressure of 21 kPa 3 pounds
gauge for a period of not less than 10 minutes as specified in NFPA 54
without showing any drop in pressure. Oxygen shall not be used. Pressure
shall be measured with a mercury manometer, slope gauge, or an equivalent
device so calibrated as to be read in increments of not greater than 1 kPa
0.1 pound. The source of pressure shall be isolated before the pressure
tests are made.
Pressure Tests for Liquified Petroleum Gas
Systems shall withstand the pressure test described above. When appliances
are connected to the piping system, fuel gas shall be used for testing and
appliances shall withstand a pressure of not less than 2.5 kPa nor more
than 3.5 kPa 10.0 inches nor more than 14.0 inches water column (8.0 ounces
per square inch) for a period of not less than 10 minutes without showing
any drop in pressure. Pressure shall be measured with a water manometer or
an equivalent device calibrated to be read in increments of not greater
than 20 Pa 0.1 inch water column. The source of pressure shall be isolated
before the pressure tests are made.
Test With Gas
Before turning gas under pressure into any piping, all openings from which
gas can escape shall be closed. Immediately after turning on the gas, the
piping system shall be checked for leakage by using a laboratory-certified
gas meter, an appliance orifice, a manometer, or equivalent device. All
testing shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 54. If leakage is
recorded, the gas supply shall be shut off, the leak shall be repaired, and
the tests repeated until all leaks have been stopped.
After testing is completed, and before connecting any appliances, all gas
piping shall be fully purged. LPG piping tested using fuel gas with
appliances connected does not require purging. Piping shall not be purged
where there are ignition sources unless the safety precautions recommended
in NFPA 54 are followed.
Labor, Materials and Equipment
All labor, materials and equipment necessary for conducting the testing and
purging shall be furnished by the Contractor.
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