physical damage.
Piping in Floors
NOTE: When acceptable to the serving gas supplier
gas piping may be embedded in portland cement
concrete floor slabs. If acceptable, delete
Piping in solid floors [except where embedment in concrete is indicated]
shall be laid in channels suitably covered to permit access to the piping
with minimum damage to the building. [Piping embedded in concrete shall be
surrounded by a minimum of 40 mm 1-1/2 inches of concrete and shall not be
in physical contact with other metallic items such as reinforcing rods or
electrically neutral conductors. Piping shall not be embedded in concrete
slabs containing quickset additives or cinder aggregate.]
Aboveground Piping
Aboveground piping shall be run as straight as practicable along the
alignment indicated and with a minimum of joints. Piping shall be
separately supported. Exposed horizontal piping shall not be installed
farther than 150 mm 6 inches from nearest parallel wall in laundry areas
where clothes hanging could be attempted.
Final Gas Connections
NOTE: Only allow flexible connectors where they
will not be vulnerable to physical abuse or will not
be accessible to unqualified personnel. Acceptable
locations would include locked equipment rooms,
equipment suspended at least 3 meters (10 feet)
above floor, and remote buildings with limited
accessibility by unqualified personnel. If flexible
connectors are allowed, include bracketed sentence
prohibiting connectors from passing through the
equipment cabinet.
Unless otherwise specified, final connections shall be made with rigid
metallic pipe and fittings. [Final connections to kitchen ranges shall be
made using flexible connectors not less than 1.02 m 40 inch long. Flexible
connectors may be used for final connections to residential dryers.]
[Flexible connectors may be used for final connections to gas utilization
equipment.] [In addition to cautions listed in instructions required by
ANSI standards for flexible connectors, insure that flexible connectors do
not pass through equipment cabinet.] Provide accessible gas shutoff valve
and coupling for each gas equipment item.
Seismic Requirements
NOTE: Provide seismic details and show on the
drawings. Delete bracketed phrase if no seismic
details are provided.
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