Section 09900, "Paints and Coatings" for cleaning
and painting of pipe and equipment, and for painting
and stencilling of piping shall be included in this
Provide in accordance with Section 09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS.
Identification of Piping
NOTE: When the project specification does not have
a section on field painting, the requirements in
Section 09900 for cleaning and painting of pipe and
equipment, and for painting and stencilling of
piping shall be included in this section.
Identify piping in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.144, except that labels
or tapes may be used in lieu of painting or stencilling. Spacing of
identification marking on runs shall not exceed 15 meters 50 feet.
Materials for labels and tapes shall conform to FS A-A-1689, and shall be
general purpose type and color class. Painting and stencilling shall
conform to Section 09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS.
Perform inspections and tests as specified herein to demonstrate that
piping and equipment, as installed, is in compliance with contract
requirements. Start up and operate the system. During this time,
periodically clean the various strainers until no further accumulation of
foreign material occurs. Exercise care so that minimum loss of water
occurs when strainers are cleaned. Adjust safety and automatic control
instruments to place them in proper operation and sequence.
system pressure or 345 kPa (gage) 50 psig whichever
is greater.
Test piping system hydrostatically using water not exceeding 38 degrees C
100 degrees F. Conduct tests in accordance with the requirements of ASME
B31.9 and as follows. Test piping system after all lines have been cleaned
and before applying insulation covering. Remove or valve off from the
system, gages, and other apparatus which may be damaged by the test before
the tests are made. Install calibrated test pressure gage in the system to
observe any loss in pressure. Maintain test pressure for a sufficient
length of time to enable an inspection of each joint and connection.
Perform tests after installation and prior to acceptance.Notify the
Contracting Officer in writing [_____] days prior to the time scheduled for
the tests.
Observe and check pumps, accessories, and equipment during operational and
capacity tests for leakage, malfunctions, defects, noncompliance with
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